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The dichotomies of Summer: Sun/Heat, Shade/Coolness. In the Garden the sun reflects brilliantly off sculptured steel petals and brings living plants in the Display Garden into full bloom, to the delight of butterflies and bees. A Swallowtail heads for a clump of Wild Bergamot while Bumblebees work over a patch of Coneflowers; behind them purple Blazing Stars rocket skyward. All is brightness and abundance. And heat. It can get to be too much, and at that point most humans, at least, gratefully retreat to shade with its promise of coolness and respite. A shady walkway with benches funnels a breeze to temper the sun's heat, the trickle of water in a small stream accentuates the quiet, and a green slope offers respite for the eyes. Summer needs both bright sun and cool shade to be fully enjoyed.

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